Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Self Defense

So today was my R.A.D. (rape aggression defense) final. When i was walking to the gym where we were to do our simulations i was pumped ready to go, not nervous at all, but when i walked into the gym my heart started to race! I got so nervous because the first thing i saw was the little section where we were to defend ourselves, and then i saw two guys dressed up in these lobster looking outfits! hahaha they looked so funny! we sat down against the wall and filled out some paper work stuff and then got suited up. By then i was pumped and ready to kick some butt!! We did three different simulations, the first one we had to walk around until they grabbed our arm and we had to get away. The second simulation we pretended like we were at an ATM and they (all three instructors) attacked us. And the very last one we had to walk in with our eyes closed and all three of the instructors were standing around you taunting you and stuff, but we couldn't open our eyes or do anything until they grabbed you. You could feel them right in your face even though you had head gear on and a face guard. It was so crazy!! When I went in to the last one and was standing there, one of the instructors made kissing noises and another one said "hey she's cute". i didn't know where they were but i knew they were all around me. The third instructor was behind me and he bear hugged me and the other guys pushed us over making us fall on the ground i had to get the instructor that grabbed me to let go of me and then i had to get up and fight off the other two. just when i made one fall back one came up and started to attack me, sometimes two at the same time. When that happened one would grab me from behind and one would come from the front. Im not going to lie, its actually kinda scary to think about what happened. At the end we got to watch ourselves because they video recorded us and while we were watching the video, our instructor told us that the simulations that we did were as close to a sexual assault as you could get with out actually getting sexually assaulted. He also said that some of us may randomly start to cry and that is because that is our bodies way of dealing with what happened and what we went through in our simulations. I am so glad that i took this class! I highly recommend it to any and all women! I don't think that there has been any other time that i have felt so confident in my abilities to defend myself. I just hope that the rest of my finals will be as easy as my R.A.D. final was ha doubt that but there is always hope...

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